Located in east Fremantle, Liv Apartments will make it easy, attractive and affordable to live a ‘One Planet’ lifestyle. It is designed to reduce its energy and water consumption and waste levels, as well as enable the people who live there to enjoy active, sociable, meaningful lives to promote good health and wellbeing.

The multi-storey development consists of two residential low-rise buildings featuring 166 apartments, ground floor retail and commercial facilities with a landscaped courtyard, public open space, and rooftop communal space.

Defence Housing Australia (DHA) is a major residential developer and has more than $3.4 billion committed to property construction, acquisition, leasing and upgrade activities in most capital cities and many major regional centres across Australia.

It is committed to creating vibrant, healthy and sustainable communities that house Defence members and their families, as well as new homeowners together in places they are proud to call home.

DHA managing director, Jan Mason says: “The benefits are tangible for our Defence residents. Better quality housing in highly sustainable communities just makes good sense. The same applies to members of the public who buy our homes to live in or as an investment.”

Ms. Mason said targeting One Planet Living recognition was encouraging the project team to place continued emphasis on holistic and collaborative design, adding; “This has been a new process for the majority of the development team, so it’s been a valuable learning curve.”

Suzette Jackson, Executive Director of Bioregional Australia, says: “Defence Housing Australia is to be congratulated for its commitment to One Planet Living at Liv Apartments, designed to create a community with a diverse range of healthy and sustainable living options within Fremantle. With national recognition achieved, the team will move onto implementation of its One Planet Action Plan, along with monitoring and reporting to embed the process for the residents.”

Fremantle Council Mayor Brad Pettitt also welcomed the announcement: “The Fremantle Council is very proud to have Liv apartments recognised as a One Planet Community."

"Clearly, DHA is determined to improve the health and wellbeing of the Australian Defence Force personnel, general residents and the Fremantle community.”

Cundall, an international engineering consultancy and a One Planet Company, helped support the use of the One Planet Living framework for the development.

Oliver Grimaldi, an associate at Cundall, says: “Creating a community has been a large part of the project, with communal areas created for gatherings and an online hub for all residents. The online hub will give neighbours a chance to offer services to each other such as furniture swapping and pet sitting services. These will create opportunities for neighbours to connect and find common interests.”

Bioregional’s One Planet Living framework comprises ten simple principles that provide a common language to talk about sustainability and to drive change. It can be used by anyone, anywhere to achieve happy and prosperous lives for all within the limits of our one planet.

Liv Apartments becomes the third One Planet Community recognised by Bioregional in Fremantle, and in Western Australia.

One Planet Living can also be used by local government, organisations and schools. The City of Fremantle was recognised as a One Planet City in 2015 and has worked collaboratively with all of these One Planet Communities alongside implementation of its own One Planet Action Plan.

Those using the One Planet Living framework form an international network of cities and communities all working to accelerate the sustainable change we need.

Located in east Fremantle, Liv Apartments will make it easy, attractive and affordable to live a ‘One Planet’ lifestyle. It is designed to reduce its energy and water consumption and waste levels, as well as enable the people who live there to enjoy active, sociable, meaningful lives to promote good health and wellbeing.

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