"BedZED proves eco-friendly homes are possible"
Yash Shah, 9, and his classmate Hygreev Vangari, 10, from Krishna Avanti School in Edgware visited BedZED last month for a school project. They are researching eco-friendly homes and wanted to see some up close. We asked them to tell us what they took away from their visit.
What was the most interesting thing you discovered on your visit?
Hygreev: The most interesting things were the sunspaces and the wood-fuelled boiler that makes hot water for the village.
Yash: The most important thing I learnt was how BedZED burns wood pellets to create hot water and how the wind cowls let fresh, warm air in and let stale air out.
Why is it important to build more homes like BedZED?
Hygreev: Because they are eco-friendly, create fewer carbon emissions, decrease the chance of global warming and are powered by sustainable energy. Being carbon-free is extremely good for the environment.
Yash: Because we are using up conventional resources and producing so many greenhouse gases. BedZED has proven that eco-friendly houses are possible and good for the environment.

What do you think the government should be doing to help the environment and prevent climate change?
Hygreev: The government should try and make the public get used to electric powered facilities rather than fossil fuel-powered facilities, such as electric cars and solar panels, to help the environment and prevent climate change.
Yash: The government should slowly ban plastic or find alternative uses for it. They should also provide help in building more houses like these.
We hold a monthly 45-minute tour of BedZED, which includes a walk around the entire site and covers all aspects of the eco-village, with plenty of time to ask questions. Book your place.