One Planet Living accepts a level of ambiguity and opinion. You may not think this is a big deal, given that a goal-oriented approach is a classic approach to strategy, and that even the UN has its own Sustainable Development Goals. However, One Planet Living is an outlier among sustainability schemes, and, as it happens, Bioregional worked closely with the UN to promote a goal-oriented approach.
What are the strengths and limitations of these different approaches, and how do they compare with regenerative sustainability? Standardised approaches have achieved scale and can provide helpful technical guidance. Yet, in restricting themselves to the unambiguous, concrete and verifiable, something has been lost. Based on the literature I reviewed, none of the schemes I looked at really embodied the "next wave of sustainability thinking". All fell short in terms of promoting a truly ambitious, collaborative, holistic, engaging, dynamic approach. Some were overly prescriptive and found to encourage 'chasing' more easily-obtainable points or credits, others focused mainly on single targets, and others side-stepped the issue of ambitious aims altogether by just focusing on processes or indicators. Somehow, the field of sustainability seems to have been developing ever more creative ways of avoiding simple, aspirational goals.