Use One Planet Living
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If you're one of the few people that somehow missed our London Climate Action Week webinar last week, then you're in luck - you can view it below in all its zoomy glory, whenever you want. We reckon it goes well with morning coffee, but if you're inspired enough by zero-carbon buildings to work it into a candlelit dinner scenario, then who are we to judge?
Sue Riddlestone OBE, co-founder of Bioregional, and Nicole Lazarus, Head of One Planet Living®, shared their unique perspectives on:
- creating, as well as living and working in, BedZED - the UK's first large-scale zero-carbon community
- key successes and lessons learnt
- how we can only get to net zero by enabling fully sustainable lifestyles
They also shared how BedZED inspired the creation of the One Planet Living sustainability framework, which is now being used in businesses, communities, schools, towns and cities around the world. The 30-minute chat was chaired by Julia Hawkins, Bioregional's Head of Comms.
As a complete newbie here at Bioregional – 3 weeks in, don't DM me (unless you're being nice) – it was pretty eye-opening to learn quite how revolutionary an affair it all was, with rule books being torn up all over the place and groundbreaking precedents being set.
We received some great questions from our attendees but didn't get time to answer them all live, so click here to read the Q&As.
Achieving zero carbon is so much more than just the buildings. If everyone lived and consumed as much as we do in the UK, we'd need three planets to support us. So, thinking about a day in the life of someone who lives at BedZED is an approach we use to this day with One Planet Living.
Sue Riddlestone
There were tons of fantastic events throughout the week from our friends and peers, and we've pulled out just some of our personal highlights below, covering topics such as how to engage with the British public when discussing the climate crisis, and how to go beyond net zero and achieve social justice. With equity forming a key part of our One Planet Living principles, we felt it's only right to leave you with a powerful and timely quote from Zarina Ahmad:
Why now? The Black Lives Matter movement has highlighted existing inequalities, both locally and globally. Looking at environmental and climate justice, issues such as land use, food production and energy efficiency lead to questions of social justice. In order to strengthen social cohesion in cities that are striving to be ethical and sustainable, ensuring that those most affected by climate change are well represented at a local level is paramount. If we do this, we can think about green innovation in a different way.
Zarina Ahmad, CEMVO Scotland, speaking at the Future of London webinar