When faced with uncertainty, one of the most powerful things we can do is make decisions we can influence.

In that spirit, we’ve put together some ideas and advice below for each of the ten One Planet Living® principles to kickstart positive habits and help us all:

  • feel more in control
  • gain a much-needed sense of wellbeing
  • protect the planet.

It’s very much a pick and choose list, the last thing you need is to feel more overwhelmed.

Health and happiness

Working from home is new for many people and, combined with caring commitments, home-schooling, cabin fever and anxiety, can be a recipe for disaster.

Co-op’s brilliant ‘it’s OK to do what you need to do’ blog has reassuring words for those of us who are feeling unproductive and stressed.

Action for Happiness’s ‘Coping Calendar’ shares 30 practical, simple actions anyone can take to look after themselves during the crisis.

Staying active is important so make your one walk a day count! Seek out some green space and nature, take a camera, practice mindful walking. Living Streets has put together advice for walking safely during lockdown.

Equity and local economy

If you are able, provide support to local people and businesses who desperately need it.

People are more at risk of going hungry than ever before, especially vulnerable children. Consider donating to a food bank or providing support to FareShare, which redistributes waste food.

Even though you might not be able to visit them physically, there are still ways to support local businesses.

Culture and community

The Fred Rogers quote “Look for the helpers” is oft repeated at times like this. Be one of the helpers by joining your local mutual aid group, signing up as one of the NHS volunteers or put a recurring date in your diary to ring your vulnerable relatives and neighbours for a chat.

And don’t forget the importance of enjoying a dose of culture – create a collaborative Spotify playlist with your friends, arrange a Zoom book club, or virtually visit a museum.

Land and nature

If you’re lucky enough to have a garden, or any small outdoor space, treasure it. Gardening is seeing a revival in these quarantine times and it’s the perfect relaxing, time-occupying activity – especially with kids.

Our top ten tips for helping nature in your backyard should provide some ideas – from planting bee-friendly flowers to helping your local hedgehogs.

Sustainable water

Increased time spent at home will inevitably mean more water used. Hubbub has plenty of simple suggestions to start using this precious resource more wisely – with benefits beyond the next few weeks.

Local and sustainable food

Many local businesses are opting to deliver, rather than close completely. Have a look and see if there are any near you.

It’s also store cupboard staples’ time to shine and it’s the perfect time to hone your veggie cooking skills - making the most of what you have and avoiding waste. The ever-fabulous Jack Monroe is providing recipe ideas on #JackMonroesLockdownLarder.

Travel and transport

As we avoid public transport, this could be the time to dig your bike out of storage or rekindle a love of walking (once a day of course!).

Materials and products

DIY is having an inevitable renaissance as people search for home activities. Opt for products that will keep your home healthy and sustainable – like low VOC paint or peat-free compost.

Check out B&Q’s Good Home range (it’s still doing home deliveries).

Zero waste

Another way to stay occupied is by mending broken things - how about darning that jumper or pair of socks you’ve been meaning to repair? This could also double up as a fun activity with older kids.

Zero carbon energy

Working from home will probably see your energy bills rise. Putting a jumper on to stay warm is a no-brainer but there are many other ways to mitigate this as well – Ecotricity has rounded them all up.

Also, if you’ve been putting off switching to a renewable tariff, could there really be a better time for this piece of life admin?

Discover more One Planet Living tips.

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