As of 28 February, there have been climate emergency declarations in 1,432 jurisdictions and local governments covering 820 million citizens.

It's fantastic to see such a groundswell of support for urgent climate action. But we know that it's challenging for councils and their staff to know what to do next.

So we are working with Just Ideas to research the challenges and opportunities faced by staff and elected representatives within cities and municipalities that are responding to the climate and ecological emergency.

Please fill in our survey and have your say

By filling in our survey you'll help us understand the barriers you face and what tools and resources would support you to achieve your sustainability aims. Your input will be invaluable in helping us shape the services we provide to cities and other municipalities.

There are 15 questions and it should take you no longer than 15 mins. Your answers will be anonymous and won't be attributable to you.

What will Bioregional do with the information?

We’re sharing the survey internationally to identify:

  • shared challenges
  • examples of what is working well
  • the tools, resources or approaches that could help.

We will also be exploring existing research findings on this topic. This information will be combined and shared with you to highlight examples of good practice – as well as informing the support we provide through our One Planet Cities project.

If you’d like to do a more in-depth interview, please add your details in the relevant space in the survey and we will be in touch.

Fill in our survey and have your say on what support and resources councils and municipalities around the world need to act on the climate and ecological emergency.

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