2014 - 2015
Project Partners
Skanska, Finnish Innovation Fund

Together with partners Skanska, Sitra and NCC, we explored what One Planet Living at Kivisto (Helsinki) and Kangas (Jyväskylä) might look like, how it might be achieved and the roles and responsibilities of each partner in doing so.

User-scenario modelling, based on understanding how real people live their lives, helped us understand how a sustainable development could benefit residents and their muncipalities. We also modelled ecological footprinting scenarios for both developments and oversaw the creation of individual, site-specific action plans that showed how One Planet Living goals could be achieved.

The developments are designed to be near zero-carbon, with highly energy-efficient buildings that use electricity generated from solar PV and waste heat power from commercial refrigeration equipment.

Proposals to help make sustainable living easier include cycling ringroads, and waste collection for residential blocks managed centrally through waste chutes.

Building materials selected are based on life-cycle thinking, while the designs also include green roofs.

When complete in 2025 these urban developments will be two of the greenest in Finland. The project’s partners used the One Planet Living principles to baseline ‘business as usual’ and demonstrate how they would improve performance with near zero-carbon strategies, use of creative technologies, a fresh approach to the natural environment and nurturing of local businesses and start-ups.

Combined, Kivisto and Kangas will be home to 15,000 people and provide 8,000 jobs in new offices and retail units.

We will develop vibrant city centres for services, employment and housing with our partners. One Planet Living takes into account the economic and social aspects of the environment, but also of sustainability.

Antti Tuomainen, Director of Urban Development at Skanska

Equity and local economy 2,100 jobs created

Travel and transport 47% of journeys by foot or bicycle

Zero carbon energy 90% of energy from renewable sources

One Planet Living is our vision of a world where we can live happily within the Earth’s resources, and a straightforward framework to achieve this
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