climate emergency One Planet Living

Building on our One Planet Cities initiative with cities across the world we can work with councils and community groups to create a better future, starting now.

Climate and ecological emergency service for local authorities

We can work with you to:

A - ASSESS gaps and opportunities. Where are you now? We can work with your team to map existing activities and policies against the ten One Planet Living principles to ensure that all aspects of the climate and ecological emergency are considered. We can also help you identify gaps and needs, potential solutions and partnerships, and suggest investment opportunities.

C - CREATE a vision, and a plan of action to get there. We can help you imagine where you want to be in 2, 5, or 10 years’ time, then create a comprehensive action plan for both internal and external operations using the ten One Planet Living principles.

T - TRAIN your staff. Through upskilling workshops and training sessions we will make sure your staff are equipped with the skills and confidence to integrate true sustainability into the council’s policies, operations and services.

I – INVOLVE others in the learning process. The quickest way of learning is from peers. We can organise knowledge-sharing and matchmaking events with other councils, or local solution providers to speed up the learning process.

O - build OWNERSHIP. Success will stand on everyone pulling together. We can work with you to make sure all stakeholders, from local businesses to schools, buy into the wider plan – and help them create their own plans that contribute to your wider vision. We'll also work with you to develop a procurement policy in line with the climate emergency.

N - NAIL your impact. We don’t just have big ideas – we’re numbers fiends too. As well as helping you set targets based on current climate science, we can make sure you have a robust system for measuring and communicating progress.

One Planet Living goals and guidance for cities and regions


15.1 Mb | 22 July 2019

This document is for anyone who wants to help their city or region transform into a truly sustainable one

Download PDF

One Planet Living sustainability framework - a guide for local authorities


392.5 Kb | 7 June 2021

A guide for local authorities on how to use our One Planet Living sustainability framework to tackle the climate and ecological emergency

Download PDF

We have created free resources for community groups that want to create a neighbourhood, town or city-wide plan to tackle the climate and ecological emergency.

One Planet Living toolkit for community groups

In this One Planet Living toolkit, we show you how the One Planet Living framework can be used best by community groups that want to create a ‘shared vision’ for a more sustainable future that everyone in the local area can work towards.

One Planet Living ideas for community groups

We know that community groups are very time and resource-limited so we have also created a simple list of activities and initiatives you could run to help move towards One Planet Living.

Help us spread One Planet Living further

Time is running out to tackle the planetary crisis. Help us scale up One Planet Living so we can achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.