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Are your customers starting to ask about your carbon footprint and net-zero target? As a small-medium business, do you have limited time and money to invest in sustainability, but know that you need to take action? If so, our all-in-one carbon accounting toolkit can help.

We also offer a full consultancy service for carbon accounting and net-zero strategies.

A comprehensive carbon footprint is the starting point for transforming your organisation.

A footprint will enable you to:

  • Identify cost savings in your operations and across your value chain,
  • Develop a sustainability strategy that meets your customers' requirements,
  • Set targets and report your progress using accurate data,
  • Understand your carbon impacts and focus on minimising them,
  • Create ownership among your employees, supporting recruitment and retention,
  • Be transparent with your customers about your net-zero ambition, boosting your brand and reputation,
  • Demonstrate compliance with current and future regulations.

⌨️ Everything you need to calculate your full baseline carbon assessment across scopes 1, 2 and 3
🍃 Access to the industry-leading Compare Your Footprint tool for your first year
📉 Data collection templates and resources
👩‍🏫 Instructor-led, practical workshops
🎓 Small online sessions with likeminded SMEs
✅ Optional validation
👋 Optional one-to-one support
🌍 Guidance on how to meet international Greenhouse Gas Protocol standards

Get in touch for a bespoke quote.

Online training sessions

Optional one-to-one support

Optional data support for product-based companies

Optional carbon footprint validation

October 2024 course dates:

  • Part one: Tuesday 8 October 10.00-12.00
  • Part two: Wednesday 9 October 10.00-12.00

Optional extra session:

  • Data support for product-based companies: Tuesday 8 October: 12:30 to 13:30 (follows on from session one above)

Get in touch for more information and a quote.

Bioregional has extensive experience in supporting a range of small businesses with full carbon accounting.

We understand that small businesses are increasingly being asked about environmental, social and governance (ESG) topics. You may supply other businesses that require data to calculate their own carbon footprint. You may have investors who need assurance that your company is aligning with ESG requirements. And consumers are increasingly aware of the importance of reducing the carbon impact of the goods and services they buy.

Small businesses can lack the time, resources, and knowledge to complete their own footprints. This is where our all-in-one carbon accounting toolkit comes in, giving you everything you need in a cost-effective package.

Unlike other carbon accountants, we’ll teach you how to measure your whole carbon footprint, including all scope 3 emissions, using a methodology developed by renowned expert Dr Mike Berners-Lee. Our toolkit offers online carbon accounting training, one-to-one support, and carbon footprint validation - and each session is available as an individual service.

As an impact-led social enterprise, we reinvest our profits to create change. Discover our most recent impact review.

Bioregional is a founding member of the Carbon Accounting Alliance - a coalition of software companies, consultancies, auditors and certifying bodies that have come together to collaborate on solving challenges faced by our industry, to share best practice and promote the development of robust standards.

Carbon Accounting Alliance banner Bioregional

New to net zero? Watch our webinar below and we'll take you through the basics, and explain what it all means for your business.

Recent SME clients include:

Jo hills raven

The work that Bioregional did for us was great – it helped us understand where we needed to focus our efforts in achieving net zero and to frame the challenge for the work ahead.

Joanna Hills, Director of Assets and Services, Raven Housing Trust
Helen jones allegra care

The Bioregional team helped us take our first steps in sustainability, and struck the right balance between challenging our ambitions, while also grounding our strategy in realistic and achievable actions. They facilitated excellent engagement sessions that brought colleagues and stakeholders along on the journey.

Helen Jones, CEO, Allegra Care
Lucy mitchell nwec

Bioregional helped us create a forward-thinking and future-proofed sustainability action plan, in line with climate science and with no greenwash, based on extensive stakeholder engagement and retail market analysis.

Lucy Mitchell, Chief Operating Officer, New West End Company

Interested in our toolkit but not 100% sure if it's right for your organisation? Book a 30-minute discovery call with our Principal Consultant Katie Moen, to find out.

Katri Hastings

Steph Schlipper

What is a baseline carbon footprint?

What is carbon footprinting / accounting?

What is the GHG protocol?

What are scopes 1, 2 and 3?

Can’t I just use a free online tool?

What is Compare Your Footprint and why is it so good?

How much does Compare Your Footprint cost?

How does our toolkit compare to a full consultancy service?

What level is the course at? Do I need prior knowledge?

Do I need to be an Excel whizz?