One Planet Living resonated with me immediately: Sustainability stories from Singita
As we launch our Impact Report 2017/18, we are sharing some of the inspiring stories from people across the world. Nonkululeko and Kerryn both work for Singita, a wildlife conservation company committed to One Planet Living. Here, they share why the sustainability framework resonates with them.

I grew up in rural South Africa with grandparents who taught me a lot about caring for nature, plants and living creatures. When I was introduced to One Planet Living at Singita, this helped me bring together these early learnings with my modern lifestyle.
Nonkululeko Sosibo, Skincare therapist at Singita Sabi Sand
I’ve realised I can substitute going to the gym (which I never enjoyed anyhow!) with walking instead of getting the porter vehicle. I’ve been collecting paper for recycling, contacting suppliers about taking back bottles for reuse and started planting my own vegetables. I’ve also started wearing my hair naturally and not using make-up, which as a skin therapist does provoke a lot of questions – but this approach frees me from unnecessary pressure, saves me money and keeps me beyond happy.

Growing up, my family were always aware of minimising our impact on the environment. So, when I was introduced to One Planet Living it resonated with me immediately. I really like the way that the ten principles balance the human side of sustainability with environmental practices in a holistic way.
Kerryn Broodryk, HR Manager at Singita Sabi Sand
In my work it provides a clear and simple way to engage people as we try to educate everyone about conservation and sustainability. At a personal level I continue to try and embody the One Planet Principles, using washable nappies for my twins (and washing them with recycled bath water!) and car-pooling where I can.
And I think attitudes are changing with fewer incredulous reactions from people who learn about my nappy-washing and a growing interest in learning about the alternatives to our disposable culture.
Singita One Planet Annual Review 2017/18
The first review of Singita’s One Planet Action Plan. While this is the first year of Singita's One Planet Action Plan, it is not the first year of its sustainability journey. There are already an impressive array of achievements to review
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